IFSHA Presentation Slides – Jennifer Moore

In this presentation, Jennifer Moore, Research Soil Scientist for USDA-ARS, introduces the In-Field Soil Health Assessment (IFSHA) she helped develop for NRCS’s Soil Health through a slide deck (available to download from the Materials tab). Jennifer served as NRCS’s West Region Soil Health Team Leader and co-director/NRCS Liaison for USDA Northwest Climate Hub. Before that, she was an associate professor in the Plant and Soil Science Department at Texas Tech University.

Jennifer is an adjunct faculty member for the Department of Crop and Soil Science at Oregon State University. She has co-authored many publications and press articles on soil health management, carbon cycling, and microbial ecology. She was elected the 2017 chair of the Soil Biology and Biochemistry Division for the Soil Science Society of America. Jennifer holds a Bachelor of Arts in biology and environmental studies from Binghamton University, a Master of Science in soil science from Iowa State University, and a Doctorate in soil science from Oregon State University.